

If you do your best and fail, a quote photo
free man writing

If you do your best and fail, a quote photo

Steve Jobs Quotations If you do your best and failI did my best Throw everything awayPut everything onChallenge to unknown territoryrepetition,Defeated by those who were ridiculedI thought it was PRIDESelf-esteem like shattered sand grainsBy continuing to be crushedSand grains to PRIDEIt will be rebuilt. IncompleteSpaciousEscape routeWith one handIn the tentative first challenge,Self-esteem is uglyIt can only be a fragmentWith muddy eyesIt’s like a jewelYou may see it. Even if you try to polish such debrisPick...

Pride is asked about what to throw away, quote photo
free man writing

Pride is asked about what to throw away, quote photo

Steve Jobs Quotations Pride is asked by what to throw away, Affection is asked by what to protect. Adversity In a situation where there is no end The true value of human beings is revealed. When you run out of room, To survive Immediate profits Jump to inertia Lose pride. Immediate profits Grabbing inertia means To pride and belief The person who resonated with me Not only to lose With pride and belief Lose forever....

If you lose your money, you lose nothing. Quotes photo
free man writing

If you lose money, nothing will be lost …

Jewish sayings If you lose your money, you lose nothing.If you lose pride, you lose a lot.If you lose your courage, you lose everything. If you lose money,To collect moneyTime spentMay be lost,Life and futureYou don’t lose. What’s scary isFor moneyFor desire Because I went because I was ordered,Even my dignitySell it. If you can’t believe in yourself,Confidence is self-esteemHope to give upTrust is suspiciousIt will change. Courage is meBorn from believing,Step into an unknown...

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